Just to confirm....
Yes, there will be a Balboa class tonight for anyone who can get there. If you can't, please join us in Summertown on Weds for our Christmas Party!
But if we don't see you till after Christmas, we hope you have a fabulous time wherever you are going to be and we'd like to thank everyone for supporting our classes throughout 2017. We really appreciate it!
See you 2018...
Balboa classes - Monday 8 January
Lindy classes - Weds 10 January
Monday, 11 December 2017
Monday, 4 December 2017
Join us for some sparkly
Christmas celebrations!
Weds 13 December
at St Michael's Church Hall,
Portland Road, Summertown
A fun routine for ALL LEVELS
followed by extra social dancing time
and some yummy Christmas snacks.
Sunday 10 December 2017
2pm - 6pm
"Oh the weather outside is frightful...!"
Apologies, Last Stop has been cancelled due to the weather. Hope you all have a great Christmas and see you next year...
Sun 14 January 2018
56 Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6AE
(see directions below)
(see directions below)
All day food & bar downstairs
Contribution to cost of venue: £5
Contribution to cost of venue: £5
Next month's Last Stop...
Sun 14 January 2018
Getting to The Jericho Tavern ...
Free parking in side roads between Woodstock Rd & Banbury Rd (10 mins walk)
A few spaces for non-residents in Cranham St, Great Clarendon St, Walton St, Worcester Pl, Wellington St, Albert St and Observatory Rd.
A few spaces for non-residents in Cranham St, Great Clarendon St, Walton St, Worcester Pl, Wellington St, Albert St and Observatory Rd.
Bus and Rail Stations are 10 mins' walk away.
Pear Tree Park & Ride off A34/A44 (10-15 mins bus ride)
Pear Tree Park & Ride off A34/A44 (10-15 mins bus ride)
TERM DATES & COURSES - Dec 2017 to Jan 2018
We're into the last couple of weeks of term so make a note of our term and course dates here -
End of this term - Mon 11 December
Start of next term - Mon 8 January
Next Balboa Beginners Course - Mon 8 January
And don't forget our Christmas party on Weds 13 December!
Doors open 7.15pm,
Fundamentals 7.30pm, Practice 8.30pm,
Intermediates 9.00pm, Practice 10.00pm
More info on classes at
End of term - Weds 13 December
Start of next term - Weds 10 January
Next Lindy Basics Course starts - Weds 10 January
And don't forget our Christmas party on Weds 13 December!
More info on classes at
End of this term - Mon 11 December
Start of next term - Mon 8 January
Next Balboa Beginners Course - Mon 8 January
And don't forget our Christmas party on Weds 13 December!
Doors open 7.15pm,
Fundamentals 7.30pm, Practice 8.30pm,
Intermediates 9.00pm, Practice 10.00pm
More info on classes at
End of term - Weds 13 December
Start of next term - Weds 10 January
Next Lindy Basics Course starts - Weds 10 January
And don't forget our Christmas party on Weds 13 December!
More info on classes at
Monday, 6 November 2017
Last Stop Balboa - November date
Sunday 12 November 2017
2.30pm - 6pm
Contribution to cost of venue: £5
Next month's Last Stop...
Sun 10 December 2017 - back at The Jericho Tavern
Old Headington Village Hall
Dunstan Road, Old Headington, Oxford OX3 9BY
Parking: on site!
Bus stops: on A420, London Road, Headington - 10 mins' walk away.
Bus stops: on A420, London Road, Headington - 10 mins' walk away.
Park & Ride: Thornhill - off A40 (5 mins bus ride)
Lindy Basics Course - Next module starts . .
Weds 8 November 2017
The next module of the Basics Course starts this week! So if you've been waiting to join us, don't miss out, come along at 7.30pm and learn to dance.
Doors open 7.30pm Warm up starts 7.50pm
Find us at St Michaels Church Hall (upstairs), Portland Road, Summertown OX2 7EZ
Monday, 9 October 2017
Lindy Basics Course - Beginners welcome!
Weds 11 October : 7.30pm-10.30pm
The next module of the Basics Course starts - that's this week!
If you've been waiting to join us, don't miss out, come along at 7.30pm and learn to dance.
Doors open 7.30pm Warm up starts 7.50pm
Find us at St Michaels Church Hall (upstairs), Portland Road, Summertown OX2 7EZ
Monday, 11 September 2017
New Term and Beginners Course
Monday 11 September in New Marston
7.15pm doors open. Classes start at 7.30pm
New Term and Basics Course
Wednesday 13 September in Summertown
7.30pm doors open. Warm up 7.50pm
Monday, 14 August 2017
SUMMER SCHOOL - This week ...
30 Aug - This week's theme is Balboa...but slower!

An easy introduction to Balboa using the same 8-count rhythm as Lindy. A relaxing, smooth version of Balboa. Follows - bring your heels!

An easy introduction to Balboa using the same 8-count rhythm as Lindy. A relaxing, smooth version of Balboa. Follows - bring your heels!
Each week will have a different theme aimed mainly at Intermediate level dancers. Some weeks will be suitable for all levels, so keep checking here or our Facebook Events page, for updates. There'll also be extra social dancing time so even if the workshop isn't for your level you can still join us for some practice a little later in the evening.
Time : 7.30pm-10.30pm
Cost : £6 - Workshop & Social (£5 concessions)
£3 - Social only
Cost : £6 - Workshop & Social (£5 concessions)
£3 - Social only
On this page you'll find the latest Term and Course dates.
For class times, venues and full details on all OSD classes go to Classes page. (SUMMER SCHOOL continues until Wed 6 September - see separate post for details.)
COURSE DATES Sept - Dec 2017
Weds 13 Sept, Weds 11 Oct, Weds 8 Nov
These courses consist of 3 x four-week blocks. You're welcome to join in at the beginning of any course or part way through if you're willing to give it a go! Each block is different so you can add to your dance skills every week.
Mon 11 SeptBALBOA Term starts - Mon 11 Sept
LINDY Term starts - Weds 13 Sept
PRIVATE CLASSES (for ALL levels, singles &/or couples - limited to 4 per session). One-off Sunday sessions available every couple of weeks or so.
Contact us for details at oxfordswingdance@googlemail.com
Current prices : £20 per person per hour (special reduced price of £15 ppph for regular OSD class members)
Dates for Sept - Dec 2017 available soon.
Friday, 23 June 2017
Next BALBOA SLOWER Workshop - Last chance to book!
Sunday 23 July 2017
11.45 am - 5.30 pm
North Oxford Assoc Community Centre,
Diamond Place, Summertown OX2 7DP
Diamond Place, Summertown OX2 7DP
All welcome!
£25 per person (in advance only)
Have you ever wanted to dance to slower swing music but don't really know whether to do Lindy or Blues? Or maybe you'd like an easy introduction to Balboa using the same 8-count rhythm as Lindy?
Join us on Sun 23 July to learn a beautiful, rhythmic & smooth version of Balboa, as danced by old timer, Dean Raftery and currently taught by Mickey Fortansce & Kelly Arsenault. Here's a clip of them dancing to give you a flavour of what to expect... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4uPU1OA4AA
Please book with a partner if at all possible (Follows ... leads just need a little nudge!)
Contact us at oxfordswingdance@googlemail.com or at OSD classes.
Payment in advance only - payable by cash, cheque or online.
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
On this page you'll find the latest Term and Course dates.
For class times, venues and full details on all OSD classes go to Classes page.
Beginners/Improvers courses start on:
Weds 21 June, Weds 13 Sept
These courses consist of 3 x four-week blocks. You're welcome to join in at the beginning of any course or part way through if you're willing to give it a go! Each block is different so you can add to your dance skills every week.
End of LINDY term - Weds 12 July
End of BALBOA term - Mon 10 July
Next LINDY term starts - Weds 13 Sept
Next BALBOA term starts - Mon 11 Sept (TBC)
LINDY SUMMER SCHOOL - July & August 2017
This year we're filling the summer weeks with our first ever Lindy Summer School at St Michael's Church Hall !!
See separate post for details.
PRIVATE CLASSES (for ALL levels, singles &/or couples - limit of 4 per session)
Contact us for details at oxfordswingdance@googlemail.com
Current prices : £20 per person per hour (special reduced price of £15 ppph for regular OSD class members)
One-off Sunday sessions available every couple of weeks or so - contact us for dates and details.
Dates for Sept - Dec 2017 available soon.
Thursday, 8 June 2017
STEPS Code of Conduct
Swing Dance is dedicated to providing a safe and enjoyable social
dance experience for everyone regardless of dance ability, dance
background, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation,
disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion or any other
characteristic or trait. We do not tolerate harassment in any form. Individuals violating these rules may be
sanctioned or expelled from the venue at the discretion of the organisers.
of Conduct
(modified from
STEPS Code – Safety, Trust, Engagement,
Prevention, Support
(Safety in Swing Dance and the ‘STEPS’
code take strides to be there for anyone in need!)
We believe that the swing dance world is
already welcoming, supportive (and fantastic!) and that instances of
inappropriate behaviour are rare. Our Code of Conduct is designed to
acknowledge that we all have a responsibility to build safety into events, and
to contribute to the well being of the whole community. We love to dance, and
we want you to love it too.
Guidelines for Being Good People
The following good people guidelines apply to
EVERYONE attending a STEPS Code event, including members of staff, volunteers
and visiting teachers:
1. We will be NICE to everyone and treat
all people with respect. We will not harass anyone. We will not discriminate according to sex, gender expression nor sexual orientation, nor race religion, nor nationality. We will treat everyone equally, regardless of age, ability, physical appearance, lifestyle, dance experience or dance role.
2. We will be INCLUSIVE and invite
others to dance, and we will be gracious if turned down. We will ask people of
all levels to dance because we can all learn from each other and thereby
improve the overall standard of dance in our community. We may say no when
asked to dance, but we will be polite when doing so and if we promise to dance
later on, we will honour that promise.
3. We will be RESPONSIBLE for our own
physical safety and that of others nearby. We will practice safe floor-craft
and say sorry if we accidentally bump another person. We will not offer advice
or instruction unless asked to do so, nor perform aerials on the social floor.
If we consume alcohol we will do so responsibly, and if we are drunk enough to
pose a risk to ourselves or others, we will leave the dance floor and retire to
the bar.
4. We will take CARE of our own personal
hygiene, and bring towels, spare clothing and extra deodorant if necessary. We
will be considerate when choosing our clothing, footwear, and accessories and will
not wear anything that is potentially hazardous to ourselves or to others.
5. We will be RESPECTFUL and acknowledge
that the personal boundaries of others may not be the same as our own. We will
be mindful of the appropriateness of language or comments that some may find
offensive. We will not touch anyone inappropriately and we will apologise immediately if we touch a person in a way
that makes them feel uncomfortable. We will be
aware that someone’s perception of what may be offensive could be different to
our own.
6. We UNDERSTAND that following the above
guidelines ensures a better experience for everyone and that participating in
any kind of verbal, physical or sexual abuse will have consequences. This may
include, but is not limited to, being asked to leave without refund and
exclusion from future events.
7. We, the organisers, PROMISE to treat
any reports made, from dancers in our home scenes or elsewhere, with
sensitivity and to keep all details as confidential as is possible.
Thankfully any such infringements are extremely
rare and that by adhering to the above principles we endeavour to ensure a safer, friendly
and enjoyable experience for all. We encourage anyone who has experienced or
witnessed intimidating or inappropriate behaviour to tell an organiser.
At Oxford Swing Dance your suggested points
of contact (Safety People) are: Pam (Mon & Wed), Jacqui (Mon
only), Tamsin
(Wed only).
If you prefer to talk in person, or would
prefer to speak to another member of staff, you are welcome to do so at any time.
Safety People are available for discussion and reassurance, not just formal reports - please do tell us about your concerns, even small ones - we're here for you!
Saturday, 27 May 2017
Bank Holiday Balboa
Balboa Classes will be running as normal on
Please note class times:
7.15 First timers' introductory session
7.30 Fundamentals Class (including First Timers)
8.30 Practice, tea, coffee, etc
9.00 Variations Class
10.00 Practice
10.30 Home time
See Classes page for all other details, venue, etc....
Friday, 26 May 2017
On this page you'll find the latest Term and Course dates (see below).
For class times, venues and full details on all OSD classes go to Classes page.
TERM DATES April - July 2017 :
BALBOA : From Mon 24 April - Mon 10 July
LINDY : From Weds 26 April - Weds 12 July
LINDY COURSE DATES April - July 2017
Beginners/Improvers courses start on:
Weds 26 April, Weds 24 May, Weds 21 June
These courses consist of 3 x four-week blocks. You're welcome to join in at the beginning of any course or part way through if you're willing to give it a go! Each block is different so you can add to your dance skills every week.
BALBOA COURSE DATES - April - July 2017
Next Beginners Course starts Mon 24 April 2017
. Complete Beginners Introductory session 7.15pm
(for those starting after Week 1 of Course)
. Beginners/Fundamentals class 7.30-8.30pm
. Practice 8.30-9.00pm
. Variations class 9.00-10.00pm
. Variations class 9.00-10.00pm
. Practice 10.00-10.30pm
PRIVATE CLASSES (for ALL levels, singles &/or couples - limit of 4 per session)
Contact us for details at oxfordswingdance@googlemail.com
Current prices : £20 per person per hour (special reduced price of £15 ppph for regular OSD class members)
One-off Sunday sessions available every couple of weeks or so - contact us for dates and details.
Dates for April - July 2017 available.
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Balboa Slower Workshop - last chance to book!
Sunday 30 April
11.45 am - 5.00 pm
Cutteslowe Pavilion, Cutteslowe Park
Oxford OX2 8NP
All welcome!
£25 per person (in advance)
Have you ever wanted to dance to slower swing music but don't really know whether to do Lindy or Blues? Or maybe you'd like an easy introduction to Balboa using the same 8-count rhythm as Lindy?
Join us on Sun 30 April to learn a beautiful, rhythmic & smooth version of Balboa, as danced by old timer, Dean Raftery and currently taught by Mickey Fortansce & Kelly Arsenault. Here's a clip of them dancing to give you a flavour of what to expect... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4uPU1OA4AA
Please book with a partner if at all possible (Follows ... leads just need a little nudge!)
Contact us at oxfordswingdance@googlemail.com or at any OSD classes.
Payment in advance only - payable by cash, cheque or online.
Bank Holiday Balboa
Balboa Classes will be running as normal on
Please note class times:
7.15 First timers' introductory session
7.30 Fundamentals Class (including First Timers)
8.30 Practice, tea, coffee, etc
9.00 Variations Class
10.00 Practice
10.30 Home time
See Classes page for all other details, venue, etc....
Monday, 10 April 2017
Last Stop Balboa - April...with Live Music!
Sunday 23 April 2017
2pm - 6pm
Come and join us for a relaxed afternoon's Balboa
or just come & chat and see what it's all about . . .
And this month we're delighted to be joined by
or just come & chat and see what it's all about . . .
And this month we're delighted to be joined by
Hot Club 42
(First set from 2.30pm)
Upstairs at The Jericho Tavern
56 Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6AE
(see directions below)
(see directions below)
All day food & bar downstairs
Entry price: £5
Entry price: £5
Next month's Last Stop...
Sun 21 May 2017
Getting to The Jericho Tavern ...
Free parking in side roads between Woodstock Rd & Banbury Rd (10 mins walk)
A few spaces for non-residents in Cranham St, Great Clarendon St, Walton St, Worcester Pl, Wellington St, Albert St and Observatory Rd.
A few spaces for non-residents in Cranham St, Great Clarendon St, Walton St, Worcester Pl, Wellington St, Albert St and Observatory Rd.
Bus and Rail Stations are 10 mins' walk away.
Pear Tree Park & Ride off A34/A44 (10-15 mins bus ride)
Pear Tree Park & Ride off A34/A44 (10-15 mins bus ride)
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